Monday, September 6, 2010

Something a little different!

A good artist website needs to be simple to navigate, provide relevant information about the artist, and showcase the artists work. 

This can lead to a certain "sameness" among art sites.  That's not a bad thing...  remember, the goal of the site is to promote the artists and their work, not win awards for creative web design!

But still, it's refreshing to find sites that show off the artist's personal style while still not distracting the visitor from the artwork.

We think Joshua Hicks's website,, has just the right balance.   It's easy to get around the site.  The portfolio pages work well.  There's basic information about the artist.  But the site still manages to convey a sense of Joshua's style.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much! I am really surprised and glad you like my site.
    -Joshua Hicks
